Code of Conduct
1 Purpose and application
1.1 Purpose of this code
(a) This code of conduct sets out the ethical standards and rules of the Lorne Country Club Inc. (LCC) and provides a framework to guide compliance with legal and other obligations to all committee members and Club representatives.
(b) The Committee of the LCC and Executive Officers believe that the commitment to this code will maintain the confidence of the clubs’ key stakeholders.
1.2 Application
(a) The Constitution and all applicable Laws apply to all members of the Club.
(b) It is essential that each of the General Committee members are familiar with this code and abide by the rules, a copy of the code is provided to Committee and is available on the clubs website.
(c) This code charges all Committee members with the responsibility to report unethical conduct.
1.3 LCC values and commitment
(a) The Club insists on honesty and integrity in all its dealings, including its dealings with stakeholders and all fellow members.
(b) You must act in good faith, in the Club’s best interests and in accordance with the policies and procedures relating to your role.
2 Code rules
2.1 Avoid conflicts of interest
(a) Conflicts of interest should be avoided and if they occur, should be disclosed.
(b) A conflict of interest may arise where you have a personal or commercial interest which may interfere, or appear to interfere with the interests of the Club as a whole. There may be a conflict of interest, for example, if you or your family have a personal or commercial interest, which may influence you in the performance of your duties and responsibilities so that your loyalties are divided.
(c) You must not allow personal interests or the interests of family or friends to conflict with the interests of the Club. You must avoid participating in decisions and activities, which may conflict with your duties and responsibilities to the Club.
(d) If you are involved in a conflict or a possible conflict, you must tell the Club’s secretary, or a Committee member as soon as possible, including the subject matter and specific details relating to the potential or actual conflict of interest.
(e) Where you are involved in a conflict you must not take part in any decision making process of the Club relating to that conflict.
2.2 Use corporate opportunities and other benefits properly
(a) You must not use Club property, information, your position or opportunities, which may arise from these to improperly, gain benefit for yourself or for another party.
(b) The Club has a strict policy not to offer secret commissions or bribes to further its business interests. You must not accept any money, opportunity or other benefit of any kind which could be interpreted as an inducement, secret commission or bribe.
(c) Care must be exercised in accepting hospitality or gifts over and above that required for the normal conduct of business or which may comprise your impartiality.
(d) All work performed while you are with the Club belongs to the Club.
2.3 Respect confidentiality
(a) You must take great care to ensure the integrity and security of all of the Club’s confidential information.
(b) Confidential information is non-public information which relates to the affairs of the Club and its members. It may include the Club’s business strategies, marketing plans, competitive analysis, financial plans, member information.
(c) You must keep confidential information acquired while you are with the Club confidential, even after you leave the Club.
(d) You must not access or request or make improper use of or transfer or disclose confidential information to any one else except as required by your position or as authorised or legally required.
2.4 Respect privacy
(a) You must respect and maintain the privacy of personal information held or entrusted to the Club by its members. You must comply with the Privacy Act (Cth) 1998
(b) Personal information is information or an opinion, whether true or not, and whether recorded in material form or not, about an individual whose identity is apparent, or can reasonably be be ascertained, from that information or opinion.
2.5 Deal fairly
(a) You must treat each other and members and stakeholders fairly and with respect.
(b) The Club is committed to ensuring the highest quality of service is provided to its members at all times.
(c) The Club is committed to ensuring the health, safety and well-being of all members.
2.6 Do not discriminate
(a) Physical or verbal harassment or abuse at the Club is not tolerated by the Club.
(b) The Club is committed to ensuring everyone is treated fairly and with respect and where everyone feels responsible for the reputation and performance of the Club.
2.7 Comply with laws and regulations
(a) You must comply with all laws and regulations relating to the Club.
(b) You must not breach, or omit to do something in breach of, any law or regulation or requirement. All actual or potential breaches must be reported immediately to the Club secretary.
(c) Ignorance of the law or a good intention does not excuse your obligation to comply.
(d) If you are uncertain about the interpretation of any applicable law or regulation or requirement, contact the Club’s secretary.
2.8 Responsibility to members and approach to disclosure and financial reporting
(a) The Club is committed to providing timely, balanced and readily available material information to its members, relevant regulators, other key stakeholders, and the community generally. The Club is also committed to open and transparent communication with its members and stakeholders.
(b) The Club has policies regarding the timely provision of information to its members and other stakeholders including posting information to its website. It has processes to ensure that the accounts and financial information it provides represent a true and fair view of the financial performance and position of the Club.
2.9 Protect the reporting of wrongdoing
(a) You must report any actual or suspected fraudulent or unethical behaviour and any breaches of this code.
3 Breach of code
(a) The values and policies in this code are not exhaustive. This code is designed to focus you on particular values identified by the Club as central to its integrity.
(b) Suspected breaches of this code will be investigated. If a breach is found to have occurred, you may face legal or disciplinary action.
4 Communications including electronic, written or verbal
(a) Communications should not be used to harass, discriminate or offend other members, stakeholders or the general public.
5 Administration
5.1 Review and publication of this code
(a) The Committee will review this code from time to time. This code may be amended by resolution of the Committee and advised at the Annual General Meeting.
(b) A copy of this code will be distributed to all committee members and will be available on the club website.
6 Definitions and Interpretation
6.1 Interpretation
In these By-Laws, unless the contrary intention appears
(a) a word or expression defined or used in the Corporations Act has the same meaning when used in these By-Laws in a similar context:
(b) “section means a section of the Corporations Act: and
(c) subject to clause 6.1 (a) word or expression defined or used in the Constitution has the same meaning when used in these By-Laws in a similar context.
Code of Conduct
Schedule 1 – Declaration.
I, ............................................................................. have read the Clubs code of conduct
and understand its contents. Any questions I may have had about it have been
answered to my satisfaction.
I will ensure that I will at all times comply with standards and rules required by the Club.
I understand that disciplinary action may be taken if I do not comply with the
............................................................... ..............................................
Committee Member Date.